Sunday, September 6, 2009

Becky at the Shore

You might be wondering why my wonderful new blog has been silent the past week. Well it is because I've been on vacation at the seaside. The week has been stimulating as always. Nothing more relaxing that laying on the beach and jumping in the surf. And always being stylish in my wonderful one piece swimsuit, because you don't need to be a mostly nude to skank to be sexy. Of course, being a beach of such skanks leads me to think of wonderful ideas to transform them.

Back in the 80's, when cinema was not exactly experiencing a Renaissance, the movie The Malibu Bikini Shop (sometimes titled just The Bikini Shop) was produced. Other than being the last work Frank Nelson, the film was a typical 80's comedy, filled with cheap site gags and just enough nudity to make it almost seem worth it. The plot was simple. Two brothers inherit a bikini shop from their aunt right on the boardwalk. One is a straight laced MBA and the other, a clone of Spicoli. Hilarity and plenty of women in bikinis ensue. One gag with an intended consequence was the One Way Mirror in the dressing rooms, which of course meant good old Auntie wasn't just a voyuer, but a lesbian as well.

The story can be transferred into a fetish story pretty easily. Give it to two sisters, who always loved visiting Auntie as a kid, but didn't get a chance to see her much after becoming teens. Of course, avoid mentioning Auntie died, (for atmosphere and for a surprise later) and give the shop to the two when they are both about twenty five. Keep one the straight laced college girl with the MBA and the other the party girl (give her a degree in "communications"). Once the two are in the shop, give them a little nostalgia, have the aunt's lawyer give them the shop (mentioning how she disappeared, and planned for it), and give the two Auntie's journal. The party girl will probably go straight to testing out merchandise and be wearing a bikini for the rest of the story, maybe make it constantly changing too. (Or not depending on the road taken.) Maybe there is even a Lingerie Annex of the shop. For variety.

As the wiser one reads the journal, she notices what Auntie's shop really was. A giant Transformation trap! The store is chocked full of transformation triggers, catching bundles of beach bunnies in bikinis. Plenty of mannequins about, probably with deals having surplus sold to Department Stores and other shops along the beach. Clothing transformation, doll, poster. Card board cut outs. How hot is that? Turning a Bikini Wearing Babe into nothing more than a cardboard cut out. The hardest part is figuring out where to put all the traps and what they should be. The wiser girl reads the journal. Maybe the ditz triggers a trap early on. MBA probably figures out how to reverse it to keep the dynamic, plus I figure Ditz will start doing things like holding Bikini Contests outside on the boardwalk and loving the idea of transforming. The other sister isn't repulsed, but takes it more slowly. Transforming lovely ladies must run in the family.

The part where this story would stand out stylistically is the journal. Chapters should brake from the story and have an excerpt of Auntie's journal. Maybe giving insight into how the trap came about, its first use, or how Auntie thought of it. All the while give more background on why Auntie had the shop, why she opened, where the powers came from, and where ultimately she ended up. Also, I like to know who was transformed so reading about a couple of past mannequins (or where the girl on the painted sign outside) came from would be interesting.

This story would be a long hall. Its been a long while since someone wrote a compelling, continuous ten chapter plus transformation story. Something with an ongoing plot and not just a serial. It would probably take a note book of fashion research as well as figuring out Auntie Backstory and where to send the sisters. Really to do the idea justice, it is almost like writing two stories at the same time. Plus, the Mannequin Genre needs a kick in the ass. Most writers don't even bother writing why the mannequin transformation works. Its about desexualizing a woman (removing pussy and genitalia) while putting her in clothing which embraces her sexuality. And of course the control aspects of not allowing her to move or speak. Most authors skip any detial on fashion. Not even bothering with a simple Google search. Mannequin transformation is the biggest (and sexiest) tease there is! Try harder!

This story probably won't get written... unless of course I hear some good, detailed ideas for traps in the comment section. I'll be listening.


  1. Nice ideas here. Your week at the beach reminded me of these two old photomanips:

    Of course this girl isn't wearing a bikini at all... unless it already melted off of her.

    As for your idea about TF traps, how about a photo booth that flattens bikini-clad girls into posters? It could be placed outside the shop facing the boardwalk.

    A girl would enter and pull the curtain shut. As she posed, two glass walls would slowly close to smash her flat. She'd slide out 2D into a slot through the back of the booth. If it were placed up against the store, maybe the flattened girls could even slide into a bin to be collected each afternoon.

    Anyway, the idea is not fleshed out - just a quick thought.

  2. I would love to see this story come to life ^_^

  3. I love the sound of this...

    Just some thoughts on what Melt said; if the walls move slowly, they'll have time to react. That means your posters will invariably have shocked and unpleasant expressions on their faces. The photo idea has merits, so I'd suggest a photo-booth inside the shop. It'd encourage transfomees to view a stock of backgrounds, select some, and do some posing while the booth takes pictures. Then, halfway through the session, it needs to snap shut instantly flattening the women into 2-D pictures in front of the background they chose, at which point the entire thing, girl(s)+photo background, can be automatically rolled out of the booth like film in an instant camera.

    Mannequin would be easy; have some particular bikinis laced with a transformative agent. When the girls put them on to test out it begins its work, with a lag time of a minute or so to catch them in a pose in the dressing room.

  4. Come to think of it... do you remember those annoying photo-shoot thingies that are just a cardboard cutout with a scene painted on one side with a hole for your head? The shop could have a few of those, outside but positioned as to be generally unobserved. The tricky part would be to get the girls posed right, holding something that could have a sign printed on it or some such. They'd go behind the cardboard cutout, pose, but instead of the camera going off the cut-out would fall on them, which would magically press them into cardboard cut-outs. Perhaps this would leave their faces animate, to be modified later, or maybe it would just be flattened with the rest of them.

    Clothing transformation seems the most difficult to do. Perhaps there's a bathroom stall that would trap girls who sat on it in with some special spiders that would proceed to 'unravel' them and either turn them into fabric or spin them into beach-wear. There could be a press that melts them into specific molds... I can't think of a good way to do it just now.

    I do remember an old captioned photomanip... what if there was an outfit with a time-delayed transformation. It would be sold normally, but around twilight if the wearer was still on the beach she would be transformed into a perfect sand sculpture? You could play with what happens when the tide comes in.

  5. Nice idea, it reminds me of Vincent Jarrod's Day At The Beach, and I've always wanted to see more built on that idea. In that story, the products of the shop itself, the clothes sold there, caused the transformations (brown bikini turned an girl into chocolate, pink bikini into a doll, at the end it's mentioned that a light blue G-string would turn a girl into floss), with a trigger that caused it to happen gradually during the day (sand, water, the sun, etc).

    Traps could be everywhere, though. The dressing rooms are always a good idea, but there could be other products that cause transformations. Maybe she gives out free candy at the counter that makes you flat a board. Water the turns you into clothes, maybe have a special on a jacuzzi that will mix you up into pudding. Maybe there are suspiciously empty bottles of suntan lotion that suck you up and transform you into the product. Scuba divers might buy oxygen tanks filled with something a little more enchanted - they'd dive underwater and a few minutes later a suspicious looking pool toy would bob to the surface. The possibilities are endless.

    Also, it might be interesting to have it be something people know about. Not widespread, but just not a secret amongst the people who aren't tourists, but in a form of... what's the term... Sunnydale Syndrome, are just kind of used to it and don't seem to care so much. You might have devious people bringing friends and family in to trick them into getting turned into objects, having girls help out at the shop as a summer job and "accidentally" become merchandise, or having the beach contests have a few girls who know about it and are looking forward to seeing their rivals turned into objects, not really considering the fact that the same thing can happen to them until it's too late (maybe the winner wins the "pot")

    I hope you follow through on this idea, it's just too good.

  6. Personally I like the idea that the locals are well aware of what goes on in the shop and either don't care or eagarly await the next batch of items made out of transformed young women/tourists. So they certainly don't mind if the flattened cutouts look surprised or terrifed, as a matter of fact they enjoy the expression of horror frozen on thier faces. Maybe a flattened babe could be embossed on a surfboard. The women who are turned into bikinis maybe accompanied by the picture id that they left behind. Perhaps the purchaser will look at the id and go."She's quite the looker, I can't wait to wear her! And maybe occasionally the item doesn't sell and the cardboard cut out is simply thrown away. From young hottie to flat object to trash. Not a good vactions for the poor young woman!

  7. For clothing transformations, the only thing I think of as a catalyst would be special "fitting rooms," where unsuspecting customers think they'll be trying on or getting fit for clothes, when the changing room's magic starts, and they feel themselves feeling lightheaded and changing, turning into dresses, bikinis, etc. Or maybe, the hangers in the store are the triggers, and once someone touches it they turn into clothes and are magically draped around the rack.

    I rarely ever see clothing tfs that aren't quick and "poof" like, except for tfs into a single article of clothing (instead of a two piece like a bikini, but your writing such a tf without making it offscreen or quick would probably be great. Also, it might be interesting for there to be a trap that makes a girl should be a complete set, and turn every part of her into clothes (her feet turn into heels or sandals, given the setting, her legs turn into stockings or high socks, her hips turn into a bikini bottom or panties, her waist turns into a corset and her busom into a bikini top or bra, either that or her entire midsection turns into a one piece bikini, her hands and/or forearms turn into long gloves, or maybe the entire top part of her body turns into a hoodies or sweater or something, and maybe her head turns into a mask, or her eyes turn into sunglasses or something, either that or her head simply disappears), gradually changing every part of her body into clothing, giving her a second to notice what happened and react in shock, even if her head has, during the transformation, disappeared, she could possibly still see, or perhaps just stand there like a mannequin made of clothes, before she trips, is given a jolt, or simply the magic completes, and she falls apart into a pile of clothes.

    Could make for some ironic situations - a pair of friends come into the store, and both go into the changing rooms, only one of them is actually in a magic room and she gets turned into a bikini or dress. The other one leaves, assumes her friend has left, sees her transformed friend in the other changing room (or on the rack), and decides she has to have it, not realizing her new clothes were actually her friend.

  8. As an addition to that, and tying into the whole "some locals know" thing, you could have one girl bring her friend to the store, hoping to leave with a new bikini or dress, only to find, after tricking her friend into becoming apparel, that the sisters think she'll make a good product as well.

    Or maybe something like this: a girl is arrogant, treats her friends like crap, etc, so they decide to take her to the sisters store and turn her into an inflatable raft or boat so she can finally give others a fun time instead of ruining things with her cruelty. After they ride around in her all day, they find out the spell is permanent, but decide they like her better that way any way and take her out for more fun.

    Anyway, going to, there are a ton of things people can be turned into, if there can just be the right triggers for them.

    Maybe there's places in the shop where the floor or an object is enchanted, if a hapless shopper unwittingly activate the spell, they would suddenly find themselves becoming another object in the store.

    Of course, there also the "incantation subtly woven into regular speech" route - an unsuspecting victim is just talking to one of the sisters when out of nowhere she finds herself changing into merchandise seemingly out of the blue.

    As for things to turn into: There could be transformations into things that match a person's personality: a party girl could turn into gallons of beer, or a cooler; a girl who spends all her time lying around could turn into a towel, blanket, or a beach chair; a vain girl could become a mannequin, a poster, a figurine; a girl who wants to get out of the sun could turn into a beach umbrella (with her face, silhouette, or a mix of the colors of her clothes and skin on the face); a girl who loves sailing would turn into a boat; someone who wants to fish would find herself turning into a fishing rod, or, if the sisters are feeling particularly devious, bait; local girls could represent their town by becoming souvenir merchandise; a babysitter could become a toy for her charges; a woman obsessed with cleanliness could become soap or shampoo; a girl could be turned into dough and fried for a nice snack.

    From a willing transformee standpoint, there's even more possibilities (though, of course, whether or not they know they can't be turned back isn't necessarily the sisters' problem): a girl wants to help her sister/friend get attention on the beach, so she has herself turned into the perfect bikini; maybe some of the lifeguards are required to be turned into inflatable rafts or equipment, perhaps if they mess up or something...

    The possibilities are, if not endless, pretty numerous to say the least, and for that reason alone I think you should definitely take up this idea.

  9. An idea about the past of the sisters and Auntie; maybe it could also be partially shown through the sister's flashbacks - events that they never realized until now might have been clues that something was strange about their aunt:

    Like maybe, years ago, on the girls' childhood friends had to move away, and she was unconsolable until her aunt gave her a special doll, which oddly somehow reminded her of her friend, who she never was able to get back in touch with... (even better if she still has it)... and it's not until they know Auntie's secret that they she thinks her friend might not have left after all...

    Or later on, one of the girls tries out for cheerleading, but gets cut down and ridiculed by the head cheerleader's clique. Auntie decides to get involved, and the head cheerleader and friends mysteriously "transfer to another school," never to be heard from again, while Auntie presents her niece and her friends with some very special cheerleading outfits...

    The family goes on a vacation, and Auntie for some reason always new, sharp clothes and accessories every day, while the hotel suddenly reports a rash of staff disappearances...

    It could go on and on. Strange occurrences that only now start to make sense...

  10. Wouldn't a beach store also sell food and such? Maybe there's a trigger that makes a girl slowly turn into ice cream, or candy, or pretzel dough. It might be interesting to have a girl turn into humanoid ice cream, and then realize what's happening and try to get away... except she's running into the hot sun on the beach and she melts before she gets too far - or even better, her transformation finishes while she's running, she's frozen as an ice cream statue, and a group of kids passing by, none the wiser, decide to use her as a snack.

    For an idea like this, it might be interesting for the girls to discover that they're not the only ones who have magic businesses - a baker whose wares are made from 100% bikini girl dough, for example; a furniture store that knows that the comfiest beds and couches, the warmest blankets, and the most elegant furniture is the ones made from transformed people; or an art gallery where the painters paint the most perfect portraits, sculptors the most realistic statues, and nobody knows just how they make their art so real...

    There could also be an antagonist - an evil(er) witch who owns a shop down the beach who's always hated Auntie, might be responsible for her disappearance, and now has it out for her nieces. Of course, there's the problem of making her even more devious than the girls (and Auntie) themselves, perhaps by making her girls-to-merchandise transformations be crueler in some way - maybe by making the transformations painful or keeping her victims fully cognizant without removing their consciousness or clouding their minds with pleasure or something like that.

    As a kind of contest, perhaps the magic businesses around town all compete once a year to see who can do the best, most, or most successfully selling transformations... though of course the beach bunnies that enter think it's just a beauty contest, never realizing that they'll be competing as merchandise (unless they know and don't care).

  11. I've always like transformations into non-full-body mannequins - like torso or pantyhose mannequins. And not just that their tops get removed from the rest of their bodies - the girl transforms to that her top half sinks into the rest of her and there only a plastic pair of legs left, or a busom, or a torso left.

    Also, would a beach store sell makeup and such? Like, the sisters think a girl's skin tone or hair color is nice, so they turn her into blush or hair dye.

  12. Working off the idea that the townies are in on the secret, the shop could host an annual beach contest where the losers become the prizes. Whoever performed worst on the bikini contest would become a new bikini for the winner, whoever did worst on the surfing would be processed into (maybe flattened and embossed onto)a surf-board. Whoever placed last on a swimming contest could be turned into a skin-tight rubber wet-suit.

    In the end, one girl would walk away with a bunch of her transformed friends and competitors. Could be fun.
