Sunday, September 6, 2009

Becky at the Shore

You might be wondering why my wonderful new blog has been silent the past week. Well it is because I've been on vacation at the seaside. The week has been stimulating as always. Nothing more relaxing that laying on the beach and jumping in the surf. And always being stylish in my wonderful one piece swimsuit, because you don't need to be a mostly nude to skank to be sexy. Of course, being a beach of such skanks leads me to think of wonderful ideas to transform them.

Back in the 80's, when cinema was not exactly experiencing a Renaissance, the movie The Malibu Bikini Shop (sometimes titled just The Bikini Shop) was produced. Other than being the last work Frank Nelson, the film was a typical 80's comedy, filled with cheap site gags and just enough nudity to make it almost seem worth it. The plot was simple. Two brothers inherit a bikini shop from their aunt right on the boardwalk. One is a straight laced MBA and the other, a clone of Spicoli. Hilarity and plenty of women in bikinis ensue. One gag with an intended consequence was the One Way Mirror in the dressing rooms, which of course meant good old Auntie wasn't just a voyuer, but a lesbian as well.

The story can be transferred into a fetish story pretty easily. Give it to two sisters, who always loved visiting Auntie as a kid, but didn't get a chance to see her much after becoming teens. Of course, avoid mentioning Auntie died, (for atmosphere and for a surprise later) and give the shop to the two when they are both about twenty five. Keep one the straight laced college girl with the MBA and the other the party girl (give her a degree in "communications"). Once the two are in the shop, give them a little nostalgia, have the aunt's lawyer give them the shop (mentioning how she disappeared, and planned for it), and give the two Auntie's journal. The party girl will probably go straight to testing out merchandise and be wearing a bikini for the rest of the story, maybe make it constantly changing too. (Or not depending on the road taken.) Maybe there is even a Lingerie Annex of the shop. For variety.

As the wiser one reads the journal, she notices what Auntie's shop really was. A giant Transformation trap! The store is chocked full of transformation triggers, catching bundles of beach bunnies in bikinis. Plenty of mannequins about, probably with deals having surplus sold to Department Stores and other shops along the beach. Clothing transformation, doll, poster. Card board cut outs. How hot is that? Turning a Bikini Wearing Babe into nothing more than a cardboard cut out. The hardest part is figuring out where to put all the traps and what they should be. The wiser girl reads the journal. Maybe the ditz triggers a trap early on. MBA probably figures out how to reverse it to keep the dynamic, plus I figure Ditz will start doing things like holding Bikini Contests outside on the boardwalk and loving the idea of transforming. The other sister isn't repulsed, but takes it more slowly. Transforming lovely ladies must run in the family.

The part where this story would stand out stylistically is the journal. Chapters should brake from the story and have an excerpt of Auntie's journal. Maybe giving insight into how the trap came about, its first use, or how Auntie thought of it. All the while give more background on why Auntie had the shop, why she opened, where the powers came from, and where ultimately she ended up. Also, I like to know who was transformed so reading about a couple of past mannequins (or where the girl on the painted sign outside) came from would be interesting.

This story would be a long hall. Its been a long while since someone wrote a compelling, continuous ten chapter plus transformation story. Something with an ongoing plot and not just a serial. It would probably take a note book of fashion research as well as figuring out Auntie Backstory and where to send the sisters. Really to do the idea justice, it is almost like writing two stories at the same time. Plus, the Mannequin Genre needs a kick in the ass. Most writers don't even bother writing why the mannequin transformation works. Its about desexualizing a woman (removing pussy and genitalia) while putting her in clothing which embraces her sexuality. And of course the control aspects of not allowing her to move or speak. Most authors skip any detial on fashion. Not even bothering with a simple Google search. Mannequin transformation is the biggest (and sexiest) tease there is! Try harder!

This story probably won't get written... unless of course I hear some good, detailed ideas for traps in the comment section. I'll be listening.